641 Sheppard rd
The address given is not to property listed it is to a house that was recently appraised and cut out from the property that is currently listed and is not for sale. But it is owned by the same person.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $1,000,000 |
Address: | 641 Sheppard rd |
City: | Venus |
State: | Florida |
MLS: | F10420238 |
Acres: | 73.980 |
Lot Square Feet: | 73.980 acres |
taxYear: | 2023 |
possession: | Other |
postalCity: | Venus |
numberOfLots: | 1 |
directionFaces: | Southwest |
taxAnnualAmount: | 70 |
developmentStatus: | Raw Land |
taxLegalDescription: | AN IRREG 73.95 ACRE TR IN CENTRAL PORT OF SEC 16 16-39-29/3 73.95 ACRES |
cumulativeDaysOnMarket: | 19 |
propertySubTypeAdditional: | Other |
customPropertyHumanModifiedYN: | 1 |
customPropertyLeaseAmountPerAreaUnit: | Dollars Per Square Foot |